“I choose not to wrap myself up in grief over things I can’t change, can’t control, and, instead take joy in all the gifts I’ve been presented. Rather than rail against the moments I can’t have, I will cherish those I do, instead of squandering them in useless rage.” ― Todd McCaffrey
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Choosing is important and what a healthy choice 🙏
Yes 😊 👍🏻
SMiLes Dear Chaymaa
Our Worlds Are Ours To Color
Or SHaDE With Grey Scales
Falling Away to BLaCK Abyss
The Good News Is Our Worlds
Are Ours to Color And Grief
Over Lost Love At
Best Brings
Inspiring Ways
to Muse Our Worlds
More Colorful Than Ever
Before A Tribute to Yes the
Greatest Force oF Love WiTH SMiLes
A Tribute to Lost Loves At Best So Very
Human Moving Connecting Co-Creating
With Our Natures And the Rest of Nature
With Least Harm At Best Not Becoming
Only the Tools We
Make And Loving
Those And Losing
‘Things’ in Grief
When ‘Things’
Aren’t Alive
As Breathing
Moving Connecting Co-Creating Life…
SMiLes i Had An Uncle Once With A Big
Mansion Who Lost Much in A Big Hurricane
Seeing A Homeless Man on the Street Naked
Enough Whole Complete He Said Life Isn’t
Fair He Had
Nothing to Lose
Oh Dear Lord Dear
Chaymaa The Irony
of Telling the Truth Indeed…
For When We aRe Naked
Enough Whole Complete
THeRE ReaLLY iS Nothing
to Add or Subtract Our Nature Breathes Free…
So Many Homeless Men and Or Women i’ve Met
Under Bridges At Beaches Whose Wealth Untold
Is Plain
For me at
Least to Feel And Sense
Just Breathing Free Naked
Enough Whole Complete
With a Little Help
From Loving
of Course
With Naked
Enough Whole Complete SMiLes..:)
I’m sorry for your uncle.
Yes, it’s hard for many people all around the world. However, there’s always hope, always. So let’s be optimistically praying for all people who are suffering silently. 😔
SMiles Dear
Chaymaa That
Was Along Time
Ago He Is Doing
Okay Now At Least
As Far As Material
Goods Go That
Drive His Life
We All Have To
Drive To Survive
Fortunate Most
To Thrive Within
Thank You For
Your Kind Sentiments😊🙏
Glad to hear that he is doing well now. Yes, very wise, thrive and survive. 👍🏻👏🏻
Absolutely. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.
Thank you, enjoy your day 😊