Keep Moving Forward Quotes Of The Day

Keep Moving Forward Quotes Of The Day

Keep Moving Forward Quotes

“Do one thing each day that makes you feel good. Keep moving, make mistakes, and challenge yourself. The lessons that lead to personal growth and clarity are inevitable.” – Dee Waldeck

“Your Past Will Determine Your Present. Your Present Will Soon Be Your Past. But Your Mindset Will Determine Your Future.” – Marion Bekoe


You’ll only find yourself in a race when you choose to compare yourself to others.”You’ll only find yourself in a race when you choose to compare yourself to others.” – Marion Bekoe

“It’s all about energy just keep it positive around me” – Marion Bekoe


Sometimes you get pushed out not because you’re not worth it, you’re worth more.”Sometimes you get pushed out not because you’re not worth it, you’re worth more.” – Marion Bekoe

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17 thoughts on “Keep Moving Forward Quotes Of The Day”

  1. Inspiring Quotes…😍😊
    Keep moving forward is just like that if there is the worst time in life and you don’t have the stamina to compete in this situation then it’s better to crawl other than lose hope and fully stopped and not take steps.
    Crawling means you are on your way and moving forward. It resembles mini-steps.

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  3. SMiLes Dear Chaymaa When We Are Happy
    With What We Are Doing in Life Providing
    A Way to Love Life It’s So Hard For

    Others to
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    Room to
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    Lower With SMiLes..:)

  4. Wonderful quotes, especially the one about getting started and you lose your fear of failure. That one rings true for me, as I have experienced it myself. Thank you and many blessings to you for a new day!

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