Power Of Positive Thinking Quotes
1. “If you focus on the things that you can do, then the things that you can’t, recede in insignificance.” – Ratna Srivastava

2. “If you’re facing the worst, then your back is certainly towards the best. All that remains is for you to decide whether or not to make that 180-degree turn that will surely bring a sharp contrast to your life.” – Dr. Anhad Kaur Suri
3. “Whenever you doubt, doubt the negatives. Whenever you don’t doubt, don’t doubt the positives.” – Mahendar Singh Jakhar

Positive thinking quotes
4. “There are hundreds of ways to reach the top; it doesn’t matter which path you take, what matters is the quality of experience you gain and the vibration you generate for the world.” – Amit Ray
5. “If you have a dream, don’t let it go unfulfilled. Gather the courage to believe in your ability to succeed, and make the necessary plans to make it a reality.” – Shree Shambav

6. “I know that into everybody’s life must come some days of depression and discouragement when all things in life seem to lose savour. The sunniest day has its clouds; but one must not forget that the sun is there all the time.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery
7. “In your life, things can either fall in place or fall apart, and it all depends on you being positive and constructive or negative and destructive.” – Mouloud Benzadi
8. “I woke up in the morning and saw the world has moved on.” – Sukant Ratnakar

9. “Do one thing each day that makes you feel good. Keep moving, make mistakes, and challenge yourself. The lessons that lead to personal growth and clarity are inevitable.” – Dee Waldeck
10. “The more you fear, the weaker you become. The farther you run away from it, the closer it gets. If you hide, it finds you out. But the moment you spin around and face it, the tables turn. The game changes. Your fear dies the same death it was planning for you.” – Ratna Srivastava
11. “We all face challenges; mine humbled, built, strengthened, and preparing me for the greatness yet to come, I’m grateful” – Marion Bekoe
12. “Doors will open, but you have to be looking forward to seeing them and be thinking kindly of yourself in order to trust walking through them.” – Brittany Burgunder

Positive thinking quotes
13. “Being optimistic in every situation, every minute of the day, is not possible. But, developing the right thoughts is important as it all starts with the thought we have about ourselves.” – Dee Waldeck
14. “Glow on the face is a reflection of a mind that is filled with good thoughts.” – Ramesh Sood
15. “The quality of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.” – Irshad Kaukab

Views: 309
SMiLes Dear Chaymaa Life
Is As Long As Eternally Now
True It’s Up to All Of Us to
Make Now
As Deep
As Oceans
Come to be
Or As Shallow
As Deserts With
No Colors Of Life
Breathing Within Now
So How Many Colors of
Love Are THeRE to Give
Share Care And Heal While
We Continue to Inhale Peace
Exhale LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT
EterNaLLY Now For All With Least Harm
Of Course The Oceans of Our Soul Grow
Even Deeper Eternally Now The More Colors
Of Love We Explore
And Still Come to Be
Always Evolving This
Force of Peace and Love For Real
This Tree of Life Endless Roots and Vines
As Leaves Green Our Trees And Fall to Nourish Forest Whole..:)
It’s a great job you do. Gathering inspiring quotes and sharing them. I really admire what you. I learn from your posts. Thanks and keep up the good job!
Thank you so much for your comment. I’m so glad to know you got inspired! Have a great day! 🌻
You are welcome, Chaymaa. Have a great day too.