Say Something Positive – 5 Quotes Of The Day

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“Say something positive, and you’ll see something positive.” – Jim Thompson

“If you can stay positive in a negative situation, you win.”


“Stay positive. Better days are on their way.”


“Just for the record darling, not all positive change feels positive in the beginning.” – S. C. Lourie


“Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.” – Dalai Lama


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12 thoughts on “Say Something Positive – 5 Quotes Of The Day”

  1. So true. I always try to find a positive out of a negative. It used to be a challenge, but it just took time to reprogram the negative messaging that played on repeat. It was a matter of calling out the lies and learning what my truth actually is…
    I ❤️ your positive energy!!!

    1. Staying positive requires continuous trying to find positivity and attract it in our lives. It’s not easy because negativity is everywhere. But this also makes it worthy. All the best for you and thank you so much! 😊😊

  2. SMiLes Dear Chaymaa
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  3. Absolutely true,my dear!! I always like positive negativity has any place in my heart and mind.inspirational post,my dear Hayat!! Love you.❤

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