1. “Live each day believing that the best is yet to come.” – Germany Kent
2. “You will never become extraordinary by having ordinary goals.” – Garima Soni
3. “A slow start is better than no start.” – Garima Soni
4. “Shine your light on the world so we can all enjoy its glow.” – S. Naomi

5. “Follow your passion and success will follow you.” – Garima Soni
6. “The only person who should know your next move is you.” – Garima Soni
7. “You can’t grow without suffering.” – Garima Soni

8. “Don’t use your energy to worry. Use your energy to believe.” – Golden Flower
9. “The only thing you lose in taking risk is fear.” – Marion Bekoe
10. “If you got nothing positive to think, then don’t think it at all.” – Jeanette Coron

Views: 32
SMiLes Dear Chaymaa
Gotta Admit It Always Gets
Better Yet Best is Here Now
As Now Is All That is So Very Satisfied
With Now
Just More
To Make Now
Every Best Still
Coming Now New With SMiLes…:)
Have a nice weekend! 🌻
Same to
You With SMiles😊
Great quotes 👍
Thanks! Have a nice day!