“Generally speaking, the most miserable people I know are those who are obsessed with themselves; the happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others. By and large, I have come to see that if we complain about life, it is because we are thinking only of ourselves.”
– Gordon B. Hinckley
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Helping others is rewarding . I work with children and seeing them teach their goals and gain confidence, is a beautiful thing.
Awesome! You must be inspired by them too. ❤️
I absolutely am. Just yesterday my client with Asperger’s was really struggling with having missed his bus and not being able to get to school. We were having breakfast at his house And he started to cry . I gave him a big hug and told him it will be ok. He will not be in trouble for missing school that day. He was worried he would be in trouble and missed his friends. He hugged me so tight and thanked me ! I told him that his teacher gave me his work so he wouldn’t miss anything and that his teacher understood. He was so grateful and calmed down after that. Taking the time to listen and explain things to someone can really change their day. It made me so happy to see him brighten up. He’s such a sweet kid.
SMiLes Dear Chaymaa
It’s A Wonderful Life
Every SMiLe We Create For
Others is Another Stepping
Stone Eternally Now Never
Ending A Yellow Brick Golden
Road Of Love
We Create For
Each OTHeR
With SMiLes of Wings
Other than That i Haven’t
Really Taken the Effort to
‘See’ Your ‘Avatar Face’
Angelic You Are
Seems You Could
Never Harm Another
Human Only in Service to them
Indeed Proof That Islam Will
BE A Religion of
in You
With SMiLes
iN Loving EYeS of Kindness..:)
Thank you so much for thinking highly of me, I’m trying my best to improve myself! 🙈😊
I can see you’re a very good person who’s trying to do better and be better. Not everyone is willing to do that, all the best for you.👍🏻
Islam is a religion of peace and love. I’m happy you’re seeing it positively as it’s.
Always A Path Toward
Peace And Love Now For
Those Who Truly Breathe
Dear Chaymaa With Wisdom
To Live Thanks Lovely Day to You😊