How to stay positive In A Challenging Life

How to stay positive In A Challenging Life

To be optimistic in a challenging life is your task and also your test. How to stay positive while things around are pulling you towards the opposite, calls for courage. Your mission is to have the courage to think positively and stay positive no matter how hard your situation is.

Being positive is not about having solutions for all the problems, it’s not in never getting depressed or stressed about life matters either. To manifest positivity is to believe that there’s always a chance to get benefit from the situation you’re already in despite everything. Then, your mind and your heart will start working accordingly.

“Be mindful. Be grateful. Be positive. Be true. Be kind.” – Roy T.Bennett

1. Be Careful Of Negative Self-Talk


How to stay positive

We tend to believe what we whisper to ourselves, this self-talk builds a great part of our character. When you get stuck, deep inside you, everything may seem impossible, yet the moment you believe there’s a way out, the way appears and things start to fall into place.

Make sure you talk nicely to yourself. Let your mind be filled with the most perfect image of yourself. Always recall your strengths, capabilities, and good traits. Let them grow bigger and reflect positively on your life decisions.

“The only thing that can come in your way is YOU! If you think you can, you will do it. If you think you can’t, you are right too!” ― Sanchita Pandey

Negative self-talk will only attract disappointment, laziness, and loss of the desire to be better because you are always scared, hesitant, and less confident. Being nice to yourself, allow all those negative emotions to disappear with time.

2. Focus On The Good

Whenever you start thinking, try to focus on and see the good in every situation from the beginning. Make sure the first thing that comes to your mind is the bright side. Everything changes when you start positively because you will focus on finding the solution for each obstacle that gets in your way.

When you are walking on the street, look around, it’s not only the traffic and crowds that you can see. There are green trees, a beautiful sky, and maybe cute cats. So, there is always something good to see just walking around.

“If you want to be happy, don’t dwell in the past, don’t worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” ― Roy T. Bennett

With a positive mindset, only great positive emotions will start filling your heart, and you will embrace the tough sides of each story.


How to stay positive

3. Start Each Day With One positive Affirmation

One positive affirmation you stick with from early in the morning and throughout the whole day will do miracles. Look for what you need to hear the earliest in the morning and start repeating it as much as you can.

“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.” ― Roy T. Bennett

“I am happy. This is my day. I love myself. I love my life. I am smart. I am stronger than any challenges.” Choose what gives you the power to lead a great day and go with it. Your whole day will change and day after day, your whole life will be brighter.


4. Practice Gratitude

You know you are grateful for everything but it’s only when you search for gratitude inside you. Your life needs more of this emotion. You have to practice being grateful for every little detail of life. It fills the heart with infinite satisfaction, learn to say ‘I am grateful’ aloud, especially at hard times.

“Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals. If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.” ― Roy T. Bennett

Therefore, be a grateful person. Thank God for this life. Thank God for health, family, work, food, water, shelter, and for what kind of person you are. Say thanks to people around you for being in your life, your family, friends, coworkers, and any person who crosses your road and leaves you with a nice memory.


5. Offer A Helping Hand

Givers are happier. Give whenever you can. Give a hand, give a smile, give food, give money, or give feelings. Be a donor more than a receiver. Help someone or help an animal and whatever help that you are offering, you are the first receiver of its benefit.

“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” ― John Holmes

When you are going out of home, go to do some random act of kindness. When you choose to go onto that road, you will find as many opportunities throughout the day. An elder may need to cross streets. A cat may need shelter from the rain, a needy may be waiting for some food. They are everywhere, it’s just you start to open your eyes to see them.

Finally, If you don’t dare to change your life for the best, you will always stay at the same point no matter how many years pass. Learning how to stay positive is what makes life easier, it provides you with the hidden solutions for non-stop flowing challenges.

When you get lost in thoughts and need a way out to follow, choose positivity. Always remember that “Positive anything is always better than negative nothing.”

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5 thoughts on “How to stay positive In A Challenging Life”

  1. “Be Careful Of Negative Self-Talk
    Focus On The Good
    Start Each Day With One positive Affirmation
    Practice Gratitude
    Offer A Helping Hand”

    SMiLes Dear Chaymaa Such Great Advice
    to Maintain Great Mental Health Spreading

    Joy oF LiGHT


    We May


    And Sing
    This Way mY FRiEnD

    It’s Always Worth Noting That
    As Human Beings We Naturally
    Attend to the Fearful Stuff in Life
    Whether Natural or Just Illusions
    of Imaginations That Don’t Really

    Require Our


    Now and
    Becoming All
    Too Real in the Realities
    We Create Within It’s Just
    Part of the Survival Instinct

    To attend to Any Real or Imagined Dangers
    First HAha Perhaps Unless Folks Are Falling
    in Love With SMiLes As Most Everything Goes
    Blank Beyond That Transcendent Human Experience

    in Focus of

    Now on

    That One Person!

    True RiSinG iN LoVE

    Is So Effortless in Ease

    Creating SMiLes Wherever

    We Go My FRiEnD With Steady

    HeART Beats of Inhaling Peace

    Exhaling Love For All Yet There is

    A Place for All The Feelings, Senses,

    Yes Emotions Humans Experience

    Change is the Best As All

    Shall Pass to

    Color Of

    Life And Hopefully

    Not So Much Grey Scale
    to Black Abyss Experiences

    of Life or The Anger, Hate, and
    Fear That Will Actually Become

    An Only Addiction in Life Similar
    To the Passions of Falling In Love

    Only Difference the Oxytocin Warmth May

    Be Lost in the Addiction of Fear, Hate, And Anger

    The Warmth of Christmas Day Year ‘Round Within

    All Lit Up

    In Beautiful

    New Colors

    oF LiGHT For All With SMiLes..:)

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