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Great Achievements Require Time

Great Achievements Require Time

“great achievements require time.” ― Maya Angelou

“Don’t wait for the right moment to start, start and make each moment right.” ― Roy T. Bennett


“Don’t wait for things to happen. Make them happen” ― Roy T. Bennett


“Good things happen in your life when you surround yourself with positive people.” ― Roy T. Bennett


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16 thoughts on “Great Achievements Require Time”

  1. First of All Notice How i Surround
    Myself With Positive People Dear
    Chaymaa Yes You! Now With All

    Your Perseverance As A Very Busy
    Pharmacist in Egypt Bringing All These

    Wonderful Global Quotes of Wisdom to
    So Many Folks Every Day For Free Such a

    Great Work of Life You Are Doing Here Now mY FRiEnD

    Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You So Much Appreciated Indeed

    Hehe And Now i’m Gonna Tell You A Story of Words without Much Sight and
    Hearing Left That Become Written in Print True as The ‘Type Two Trigeminal
    Neuralgia,’ The Worst Pain Known to Humankind No Drug Would Touch for me
    That Lasted From Wake to Sleep Was So Painful And Numb too Without Feelings of Soul

    That it Made it
    Almost Possible
    to Endure Use of
    my Eyes or Ears Just
    About Like a Dentist Drill
    With No Novocaine in my Right
    Eye and Ear Shut-in in my Bedroom
    For Most of those 66 Months Starting in
    January of 2008, Precipitated Before that
    By 11 Years of Chronic to Fight or Flight Work
    Related Stress For the Last 2 Years of 1996 Thru 2007 Ending Up
    With A Total of 19 Life Threatening in Synergy Medical Disorders…

    i had No Idea before that a Human Could Lose The Memory if they
    Ever Smiled Before or A Pain So Severe That A Migraine Seemed Like Heaven in Hell then…

    Yet Anyway Then 33 Months into the Pain i Managed to Get In Front of A Computer Screen on
    ThanksGiving Day of 2010 Turning the Brightness All the Way Down Taking off my Prescription
    Shades As the Focus of the Lens Even Shaded Made The Pain that Much Worse So on that Day

    As Each Word i Typed Became An Additional Mountain of Pain i Was Determined Not to Commit Suicide
    As that Disease is Literally assessed by Science As the Suicide Disease As It’s Worse Than Most Folks

    As the
    Cost of
    Death and
    Indeed it Was

    As i Surely Found Out
    There Are Worse Consequences
    in Life than Death Like Real HeLL ON
    EartH WHere Every Second Non-Feels
    Like A Thousand Years in Hell Ya Just Never
    Know if ya Will Ever Make it Till the Next Second for 66 Months…

    So Yes The First Word A Mountain of Pain Came That Day On an Internet
    Site for Folks on the Autism Spectrum as Sure Asperger’s Syndrome a Life Long
    Challenge for me Already And From That Day Forward Until Today Through Every Kind
    of Weather And Even Enduring Covid-19 As the Doctors Suggest my Wife and me Had
    One of the First Cases in the United States Back in Jan-Feb of 2020 And True Even through
    Coughing Up Blood Then i Still Didn’t Miss a Day Writing And Today is the 4124th Consecutive
    Day of Writing Since then online with No Break All the Way Through Over 13 MiLLioN Words

    (i Was So Ill With Fever Delirium Of Dreams Came A Green Mist Covering The Gulf of Mexico
    Dreaming of the Administration Building of Naval Air Station Pensacola Building 624
    i Worked At Earlier Before Becoming Ill Then Missiles Coming Over Head Through

    The Green Mist Very

    Eerie indeed,

    Feeling Very



    In End of our
    World Days’ Then)

    Yet Now And Today
    March 10, 2010, Yes is
    The 9 Year Anniversary
    Date When i First Started
    Blogging on the Google Blogspot
    Platform as i Still Administrate Several
    Blogs There too That Continue to Also Hold my
    Longest Long Form EPiC Poem on Word Press, “SonG oF mY
    SoUL” Starting on August 18th, 2013 too Now 10.2 MiLLioN Words
    Soon to Be 10.3 MiLLioN Words in about 8 Days From Now too
    On the 103rd Anniversary Month Date of Doing that Too And Yes!
    Also Public Dancing 16,303 Miles Now For 102 Months All During
    The Span of Dates Since i Recovered From That Pain and Numb too

    Yet It’s True None of it is Any More Effort Than The Letters That Make
    The Words of Each And Every Poem of Song Now And the Moves That
    Make Each And Every Step of Dance Real Now For It’s True How in the World

    At the Start

    Would i Have

    Ever Done Any of it
    All For Free Without Living Loving

    For the Gift of Life Now Naked,
    Enough, Whole, Complete Yes

    It Took About 66 Months to Get THere
    Out of Real HeLL ON EartH Yet i Made it to the
    Other Side of Heaven Now Which Means Every Moment
    in Hell Was A Gift i Couldn’t Quite Feel and Sense then my FRiEnD

    THere is
    No Wasted
    Moment in this
    Life As Long As
    We Still Will Breath mY FRiEnD

    Connecting to God Within Moving
    Co-Creating Us into Newer Creations of God Freer..:)

    1. Oh I can’t seem to find the right words to say! You had such a hard battle with illness and pain. Yes, of course, no one can imagine how hard it was for you, but you are a good fighter. You endured it well and still working hard on writing endlessly and expressing yourself beautifully. God has given you a challenging test, but He gave you the strength to persevere.
      Thank you for sharing your story and I really wish you the best!! 💪🏻

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