Going Through Despite Fear Is Courage – How To Be More Courageous


Courage is the ability to go forward through something despite being fearful. How to be more courageous doesn’t depend on simple or a single behavior limited to showing bravery and facing fear. Courage is a series of good attitudes that are all connected together you need to learn how to gain them.

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” ― Anais Nin

Courage involves kindness, love, care, respect, and many other beautiful virtues. It’s realizing how much it will hurt to stand up for something, yet choosing to get wounded rather than being a coward. It’s the most wanted but less found status among humans.

One mystery of this emotion, is sometimes it feels like you can’t be brave even for a single second, then something happens and courage remains your only option. When that happens, you know you are courageous enough to do more than you can imagine.

Practice Courage Regularly

It’s important to practice courage and let it be part of your daily tasks. Be courageous with yourself and be confident in facing your fears. And like John A. Shedd said, “A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.” Make sure to sail with your ship every day and discover new horizons in your life.

When something serious occurs that needs intermediate action, only courage and enough strength can defeat your hesitation and lack of confidence. As this happens, courage will always be the remaining exit whenever fear approaches.

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear.” ― Mark Twain

It is not the lack of fear, it’s going through despite all fear because continuing regardless of being afraid is an act of real courage. And, unfortunately, not many people can do it. That’s why some people succeed in projects while others don’t dare to take a single step in them.

Having guts can become your identity if you manage to practice courage regularly. Take brave steps and make fearless decisions regularly and you will master courage.

Be Brave. Be Respectful. Be Thoughtful

Don’t be rude or forceful because you need to do what others cannot or to be superior. Instead, try to be reasonable and thoughtful while making plans and decisions for your benefit. You don’t need to be aggressive and disrespectful to look brave because real bravery is to be considerate while showing your strength.

Not anyone can act as courageous and respectful at the same time. Respect others in a way that shows how strong you are, defend the weak, and be kind to people around you even if they are not your friends. Be courageous when it comes to other people’s benefits and rights. In the end, all of that forms courage too. Don’t worry, you will gain more than winning in situations, as you will still make allies and build long-lasting relationships.  

“The strongest people find the courage and caring to help others, even if they are going through their own storm.” ― Roy T. Bennett

We’re not born superheroes. People are born with potential, and then life experiences help them grow it. We gain our confidence to do something bold and righteous from people we love and are loved by because when their love is strong enough to feed our souls, we go beyond expectations.

What we need the most to be firm and fearless when we are the most scared is people; really good people! We need to gain as much strength from their care and support as we can. As a result, when our energy depletes it will be the pushing power that supplies our exhausted souls.

Find the courage to live it

It’s Okay To Be Scared While Showing Courage

High-quality goods always shine and look catchy even if they have some defects because what’s important is those flaws don’t affect their fineness. It’s almost the same here, being reasonable when it calls for bravery makes the one looks so brilliant and outstanding, giving people around a sense of trust and security. They believe this person can do anything very well and without hesitation.

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” ― Nelson Mandela

This is how it looks from the outside of a brave man. However, he may have been trembling in fear without letting anyone finds out about his inner doubts. That’s a courageous person, it’s like George Patton said, “Courage is fear holding on one minute longer.”

There will be a time when your progress and success will be measured by how courageous decisions you can make. Life will give you this test, you will need to choose between being safe while holding onto your fears or being brave to give brilliant results that make you outstanding.

“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ― Roy T. Bennett

If you choose to stay in your comfort zone, you will find yourself at the end of every year in the same spot, and believe me, you will never like this version of yourself. This will take you to depression mode and blame yourself for getting weak. Only by breaking off from your fears and doubts, do you gain the needed confidence which leads you to the right track once again, then courage will start to grow.

Continue To Learn And Explore

Exploring and reading about courage will help you discover deep meanings of it and how people work on themselves to master it. And with practice, you will master the art of being courageous.

Give yourself a weekly task to do something you fear; a decision you have postponed for a long time or a situation you need to face and will determine how courageous you are.

“Courage isn’t having the strength to go on – it is going on when you don’t have strength.” ― Napoleon Bonaparte

Give yourself a simple mission at first, you don’t have to force yourself, you just need to be stronger. If you scan your heart to figure out what scares it the most and find the reasons for it, you can start figuring out how to strengthen yourself.

You are not a coward but at times, you need a reminder of how powerful you are and that your fears won’t control you. It needs the practice to make your courageous act become an instinct, to appear when there is a call for it.

Practicing will help you to manage your emotions, stop your anger, manage your fears, and be true to yourself and your feelings. Courage is needed for many situations more than stopping a bully or confronting an unfair boss.

You need your courage the most when confessing your feelings to someone or admitting your wrongdoing against someone. Just be prepared to show your courage to yourself first by being honest, and after that, it will be shown to your beloved ones as well.

Views: 865

24 thoughts on “Going Through Despite Fear Is Courage – How To Be More Courageous

  1. ”Courage is not the lack of fear, it is going through despite fearing”. Loved this line ❤. Yesss…it is!! Looking forward to your future posts sister.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this post. I think we often mislead each other about what courage and bravery truly are.

    The true definition of courage and bravery is something I often discuss with my son. He gets anxious about lots of things, but most of the time he goes on to do the things he is anxious about anyway.

    Because he gets nervous, worried and anxious he thinks he is not courageous or brave and looks at others, who seem more outgoing and confident, and thinks they are the brave ones.

    I tell him he is extremely courageous and brave each and every time he feels fear but completes the task anyway. I share the following quote by Mandy Hale with him:

    “It’s OK to be scared. Being scared means you are about to do something really really brave” .

    1. You are right. This quote is awesome! It’s okay to be scared! ??
      We all go through such times, but overcoming them is the key. He will learn to defeat his fears gradually because has a great mom who supports him. ?

    1. Yes, we tend to do somethings half-heartedly. But, we are still learning to do better! It’s okay! ?
      Thanks for your comment ^^

  3. a very useful post. I am beset by many fears and it is always a struggle to overcome them Fear paralyses, and I know I need to act. Sometimes I can – sometimes I don’t. but thank you for reminding me.

    1. I understand you very well. Fear comes and goes frequently in our life. We just need know how to fight it and win.
      Let’s try our best! 🤛🏻🙋‍♀️

  4. SMiLes Dear Chaymaa

    Some Days A Greatest

    Courage May Be Just Breaking

    From the Herd to Speak A Truth

    No One Else Cares to Hear

    For True A


    Fear is Being
    Separated From
    What Ever Social
    Bonds And Binds Make

    Our Individual And Group Tribes

    As Of Course Normally Every Human

    Requires Others to Survive Yet Now We

    Have Smart Phone Replacements Where

    A Greatest Courage May Be Separated

    Just One Day From Smallest

    of Machines Transformed

    Into Holders


    Our Souls
    Hostage Yet
    Willing Participants
    of the Biggest NeWesT
    Experiment We Conduct
    On Ourselves And Each Other too

    So How Do We Become Courageous
    Enough To Become Separated From
    What We aRe NoW i Suppose

    Embrace the

    New Reality

    And Leave

    With Lions
    Who Earn Their
    Inner Pay And Play…:)

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