Make Yourself Shine
“Magic is to make oneself shine in spite of all darknesses.” – Spriha Kant
“I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health.” – Voltaire
“Do one thing each day that makes you feel good. Keep moving, make mistakes, and challenge yourself. The lessons that lead to personal growth and clarity are inevitable.” – Dee Waldeck
“Go after your dreams no matter how far they might seem today. Just start taking steps towards them and your dreams will be yours.” – Chandan Negī

“Doors will open, but you have to be looking forward to seeing them and be thinking kindly of yourself in order to trust walking through them.” – Brittany Burgunder
“Life is a gift. And it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.” – Tony Robbins
“With the right vibes and the right people, it’s easy to create something magical.” – Dinah Jane
“It’ll be okay – if you want it to be okay.” – Bert McCoy

“Don’t let a three-o’clock-at-night feeling fog your soul.” – Lucy Maud
“In Self-improvement, Everyone will have varying degrees of ability for their capabilities, and everyone has a passion for doing something they love in life. You must set your goals and develop a plan to pursue them one step at a time. Positive habits will always bring prosperity, no matter how slow you go.” – Jesus Apollinaris
“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” – Jimmy Johnson
“If you look for the good things in life, you will find them. If you look for opportunities to grow and prosper, you will find them. If you look for positive, enthusiastic friends and associates who will support you, you will find them.” – Zig Ziglar

Views: 361
Beautifully said
Thank you!
Oh How Far Our Ancestors Stepped Through
Dark to Bring Us to Paradise True Where i Live
is named ‘The Emerald Gulf Coast’ And in the Very
Early 1900’s my Great Grandfather Homesteading
154 Acres Now Called Oriole Beach As Part of that
Emerald Gulf Coast Riding A Ferry Miles From The Land
He Farmed a Home With Holes For Windows And No Water
Until A Well Was Built With An ‘Outhouse’ too His Wife Dying
of Breast Cancer Early Leaving His Land For Care For Her As
my Grandmother Later Picked Cotton And Helped Raise Her Two
Sisters Quitting
School So they
Could Eventually
Go To College As My
Great GrandFather Came
Back And Homesteaded More Property
For Farming in A Place Named Spring Hill
In the Northern Part of the County Then Finally
the Carpenter He Was All His Life and Farmer Buying
Land on the DownTown River Bank And Building His Own
Tin Home as My Grandmother The Caretaker of His Children
And Cotton Picker of His
Farming Rented A Home
Two Houses Down Eventually
Buying that Home Where Today
Where Once Stood Her Home that
We Were Raised in on the River Bank
Is Now A City Park Where Fourth of July
Celebrations Are Held And Bands Play
For The Whole County in the Place i
Found Home And Still Live in this
County today Yet That’s Just my
Mother’s Side my Grandfather
An X-Catholic Priest Born
in Ireland Counsel for
the Vatican A Priest
in South Africa
Finding His
Way to
A Parish
in North Florida
And if Not For the Cajun
Young Woman Who Woo’ed
Him From the Pews Away from
His Religion that Didn’t Marry i Wouldn’t
Exist Nor if “Johnny Weissmuller” the Actor
Who Actually Played the First Tarzan in the Movies
Didn’t Save Her Life From Drowning Falling then Into
Wakulla Springs Where He Was Filming a Movie Early
in the 1900’s As Well And my X-Catholic Priest Grandfather
With So Many Earned Advanced Degrees Noted Author of Last
Century With A Book Called “Behind The Dictator’s” For the Catholic
Church’s Influence on The Dictators in the Beginning of the Early 1900’s too…
Yes Dear Chaymaa in Takes A Lot of Steps to Bring Us This Gift of Life Ranging
From An Asteroid 66 MiLLioN Years Or So Hitting the Yucatan Peninsula Creating
The Gulf of Mexico Where i Live in Florida Erasing the Kings And the Queens of the
Food Chain
The Dinosaurs
Then Leaving Room
For Warm Blooded
Mammals Eventually
Sharing LoVE iN HuMaN
Form as Now The Recorded
Intelligence We Bring in Words
Provides Tools to Navigate Online
Holding Hands Among Humans With
Vastly Different Cultures, Religions, And
Politics Yet the Same Glue of Human Kindness
Otherwise Known As Love That Has Brought Us
This Far to Be at
All the First
Step As
Far As Humanity
Goes is Always Love
For Strangers the Glue
That Keeps Us Warm And Still
Alive of Course Hot Water Heaters
And Controlled Climates Inside Of
Newer Age Caves Helps too Hehe
With this Fancy Typewriter and
Walkie-Talkie All in One
Keyboard Screen
Machine True too…
Meanwhile We Are
Made of Star Stuff From
Super Nova Explosions Truly
Separation is the Illusion And
Unity is the Reality For Real Every Struggle in Small
Steps AS Humanity Leaps For Love of HumanKind iNdeed..:)
Aww, this is a nice story of your ancestors. It’s how long we are living yet a short life full of gifts and beautiful events. It seems to be a beautiful place from your description. Thanks for sharing these beautiful words here. 🙂
Pleasure Always
Dear Chaymaa
Family And
Precious Love☺️🙌