Quotes on positive thinking
1. “Our strength grows out of our weakness.” – Emerson

2. “One of the most efficient ways you can improve your life is by simply thinking more positively” – Robert Norman
3. “Living in the past is like scratching a wound. If you don’t leave it alone, it will never go away. Let it heal, accept the scar and move on with your life.” – Anonymous
4. “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.” – Victor Hugo

Positive thinking quotes
5. “Know your worth. Know when you have had enough. And move on from the people who keep ruining your happiness.” – Anonymous
6. “The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts, the more you attract great things into your life.”
7. “Positive thinking is not about EXPECTING the BEST to happen. It’s about ACCEPTING that whatever happens, it’s for the BEST.” – Anonymous
8. “Don’t close the book when bad things happen in your life. Just turn the page and begin a new chapter.”
9. “Why make everything complicated? You worry and see only the worst case scenario, instead of keeping it simple and positive.” – Anonymous
10. “Don’t imagine the worst incidents in your emotional life — keep a positive attitude.” – Anonymous
11. “The one who finds contentment is truly rich.” – Dillon Burroughs

Positive thinking quotes
12. “Ever noticed how day by day nothing changes and then we look back and nothing is the same.” – Anonymous
13. “You can’t correct the path of the past, but you can correct the path of now so that the future’s path will lead where you want to be in life.” – Anonymous
14. “Don’t let regrets paralyze your present, it’s time to accept what is instead of what could have been.” – Anonymous
15. “Happy is still Happy, with or without the Ever After.” – Mandy Hale
16. “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.” – Winston Churchill
17. “Change is a Process, Not an Event.”

18. “Decide TODAY that you’re going to look at everything that happens TO you as something that is happening FOR you.” – Anonymous
19. “Enjoy losing weight. Enjoy eating healthy, delicious food. Do not wait until you reach your destination to feel good. Take as much happiness and joy as you can from your weight loss journey.” – Harry Papas
20. “No matter what you’re going through, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and it may seem hard to get to it but you can do it and just keep working towards it and you’ll find the positive side of things.” – Demi Lovato
Views: 769
I love your inspiring posts. Keep them coming!
It’s refreshing to read your posts on days the going gets tough.
Thank you so much for your nice words. I’m glad you got inspired, have a great day 😊
Thanks, Chaymaa. Have a great day too!
Thanks 🙌🏻😊
All Wonderful Thoughts
For Positive Thinking Dear
Chaymaa Some of Us So Full
Of Words as i Surely Seem to
be Now and Now Hehe However
First i Dance in Flow And Let The Song
Come Next Emptying Deeper From Within
As Dance continues flowing even more smoothly
effortless in ease
as wind continues to
breeze beyond reason
and rhyme time plays when
real and now evermore freer
TeaSinG ReaLiTY iNTo Being
SMiLes Forth
to Shine if i KNeW
What i Am Doing
NoW HoW iN The
Word Will i Come With Wings to Be i Am
Just to Dance And Sing As Freedom Pleases
This River
Peace Water
Raining Down
Now All Up As
Love Smiles even more
Moral oF A SToRY Just
Dance Free Let Feet Root All
What Rises And Falls Now Real FLoWinG
of Leaves Yes SMiLinG Feeling SeNSinG
Next As Answers SoUL HeART Free New
All Come BLoWinG in Our SPiRiT Winds..:)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and you’re always, always welcome! 🙂
Thank you for always sharing positivity. Even when life gets tough, we should still remain positive. Have a blessed week.
Thank you so much for your words. Have a great day! 🙂