“Patience is not the ability to wait. Patience is to be calm no matter what happens, constantly take action to turn it to positive growth opportunities, and have faith to believe that it will all work out in the end while you are waiting.”
Roy T.Bennett
Views: 2
Ah Yes Dear Chaymaa
True Patience is When
One Arrives And THere
Is No Greater Place
One Wishes to Go
Yet Now No Matter
Where A Person May Be
Hehe As my Wife Has A ‘Hard
Time’ Understanding as i Am Just As Satisfied
Sitting At A Long Red LiGHT in Heavy Traffic
Or When Someone Pulls Out in Front of
Us And Almost Hits Our Car The Reality
Is They Did Not So Still i Arrive New at
The Best Place
Now Breathing
ALiVE Free Just
Naked Enough Whole
Complete No Matter Where i
Go A Patience Forevernow Real…
Of Course ThiS Is A Practice of
LiFE FLoWinG iN Meditation
Holy And Divine IN All
The Arts of Life
That Create
ThiS Way
of LiFe Possible
For Those Who Seek
And Find This Higher Force of
Loving LiFE LiGHT DarK Thru LiGHT..:)
Having patience is very hard, but it is something we have to learn, and when we do it is worth it. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful week.
I agree with you. 💯
Thank you, enjoy your Friday. 🌻😊
Enjoy your weekend as well.🙏