6 Ways To Help You Motivate Yourself


Motivate yourself again whenever you get demotivated. Sometimes, it’s that simple. Zig Ziglar said, “People often say motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing—that’s why we recommend it daily.”

Yes, you need motivation regularly because it doesn’t last that long. You will not be motivated all the time. There come times when reasons disappear. Sometimes, you get demotivated as the desire to go through the life you’ve planned is missing. It’s the same for everybody no matter how successful or miserable their lives seem.

People are stressed and life is bombarded with responsibilities and tough tasks, and so you are. In the middle of that, you feel discouraged to go forward and each step is heavier. It feels like there is a roadblock standing there stalling you from doing even the things you used to love, and things seem dull and uninteresting.


It’s totally reasonable and understandable to feel this way. Maybe you are the only person who is not seeing the truth, that you are temporarily stuck and it makes sense because you have goals and doing your best trying to manage. It’s okay as you are not alone in that. Every human being must face such times. It’s very natural.

The power of motivation forces you to act, grow and be productive. Similarly, self-motivation is the recharger your batteries need to continue from the point you get weakened and constricted by some road bumps.

When you have no motivation to go on, the best solution is self-motivation. Below are five steps to help you refill your soul, reconnect with your self-confidence, and embrace your imperfections. After reading them, I hope you pick yourself up again and overcome your negative emotions.


1. Find The Reason Of Your Demotivation

Perhaps, there is something inside you triggering these down feelings. You are not demotivated for no reason. Confront yourself and find out what is deep there inside your heart. The most changeable thing in life is the heart.

Your subconscious holds there what you need to uncover for a better understanding of yourself. You may find fear, uncertainty, lack of confidence, or some sort of weakness stopping you from being you and doing what you are supposed to do. Once you see clearly what’s hidden inside you, you can find solutions to your problems.

And, let me remind you, again, that you are not alone in that. We all struggle to get ourselves back on track at times and at times we become impatient and depressed sometimes. However, what will help you really is learning how to manage yourself and define your own causes to get clarity. As a result, you get stronger and experienced with self-motivation.

“I’m alive, motivated, and ready to make the best of my day.” 

2. Be Understanding And Forgiving To Yourself


Don’t be hard on yourself. You deserve to be forgiving to yourself because you must be the first person to do it. Be kind and understanding of your feelings. Admit that what you are facing is part of the art of living. Success in life is not going in a straight line for anyone, and you are no different.

You don’t have to fight a lot with your mind, let it be for now. It’s possible to just do nothing and think about nothing. Only free your mind from complicated thoughts and stressful obligations. To be able to move forward, you need to master the art of letting go.

“Forgive yourself first. Let go of past hurts and direct your spirit to goodness and hope by having gratitude.” – Janet Taylor Spence

The street you are stuck in right now is a place you have to stop at and rest for a while. There is a lesson here you need to learn whether you are pleased with that or not. Just relax and understand what’s behind the suffering. It won’t be tough on you once you know it’s destined to pause in this place for some time.

Again, understand, forgive, and give yourself space and time to get your lesson. Eventually, you will motivate yourself to move on and get strong preparation for better management in the future.

3. Believe In Yourself And Stay Positive


The best times of your life are when you believe in yourself and find yourself in positivity mode. You see life differently and life acts towards you the same as well. When you lack motivation, find your faith and hold onto it.

When you believe you can get your motivation back, you open the door to self-confidence to take place and replace doubts and fear. You are very strong whether you admit it or not, so better admit it and get the benefit of staying positive. When you feel down, never stop reminding yourself how strong and capable you are.

“Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.” – Roy T. Bennett

Remember, self-belief is the best way to motivate yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror every day and say, “I believe in myself because I know I can do anything. I am who I am because of my past hardships as well as my glorious victories. I can do it and I will do it.” You already affirmed that you will do it, so wait and see how you will surprise yourself by getting better than before.

4. Go Out There And Help Someone

Sometimes, people can do for others better than they do for themselves. When you go out there to help someone, you will never be back home with empty hands. There will always be something left in your heart to move you.

Helping people is a remedy, they heal you somehow or somewhere in your heart without realizing it. It may be a wide smile or a sincere prayer you get from one person, and your heart softens that motivation lightens again.

When you see someone in a difficult situation, you feel sorry for them and you wish you can do anything that helps. This is how you become motivated to do whatever you can just to see them feel better. After that, you realize that it’s you who got the help. Isn’t this amazing?

“To help people, love them. Then, they help themselves.” – Vironika Tugaleva

5. Learn Something New To Motivate Yourself

Learn something new at a time you don’t want to do something you are familiar with which will support your inner self-motivation. For example, if you are passionate about cooking, a certain language, or a sport, go ahead and start immediately. Your passion will lift that heavy burden of stress off your shoulders.

You will realize you can do something that may be challenging to others very well and it’s just exciting and interesting. The more you dig deep, the more knowledge you gain, and the more confident you become. Then the following will be, motivation again.

You will get to know new people, refresh your mind, and enhance your quality of life. Everything new you learn adds to your life experience. You will find talents in you that will unleash your inner energy and makes your brain think better and make better decisions.

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo

6. Treat Yourself To Something You Love

One beautiful chocolate box for you

Treat yourself to a hearty meal or a dessert you love. The best way to make you feel better is to reward yourself occasionally. Make yourself happy and be the reason you feel good about your life. In other words, love yourself more.

When you treat yourself to a nice thing, you boost your self-esteem and satisfaction. You will be encouraged to do your tasks because you know you will be paid off for your hard work and suffering. Show love and care for yourself because you will feel as much love from the people around you.

Think about things you love and do them. Take part of your time thinking about what to buy or do. Make plans and arrange for them like you are going on an important date. Get rid of anything you feel negative about. The most important is to make something new for your happiness.

“We just need to be kinder to ourselves. If we treated ourselves the way we treated our best friend, can you imagine how much better off we would be?” – Meghan Markle


What differentiates a successful person from a mediocre is how they overcome their loss of motivation to chase their dreams. You will not choose to get knocked down by feelings you know will not last forever. Once you find the right way to deal with them, you will realize how professional you are in becoming your self-motivator.

There are facts you cannot forget about life; one of them is that people get stuck, discouraged, demotivated, and sometimes doubt their whole process and the “why”. So, never forget that you will get demotivated as much as it takes now and then. Therefore, don’t blame yourself that much. It’s very fine as long as you are trying your best to get better and rest better.

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19 thoughts on “6 Ways To Help You Motivate Yourself

  1. We LiVE iN A World that is More Centered
    Between Our Ears in Abstract Thoughts

    All the Constructions of CuLTuRE
    Ideologies Through All the

    Stuff We Create Tools

    Increasingly Becoming Us

    Truly Even Phones Part of
    Arms Growing Brains on the
    End of Our Hand Yet only Avatar

    Brains Not What Actually FlesH and
    Blood Moves Connects Co-Creates Us

    As Our Emotions Actually Travel And Spread
    Through Our Bodies All Feelings Senses From Head to toe

    As the Brain Actually

    Has No Sensations

    When Actually Touched
    Exposed to the World Some

    Days We Forget We Are More than
    A Head With Eyes And Ears Now Online

    Without Taste, Smell, And Touch So Restricted

    In All Associated Emotions and Senses in Synergy
    No Wonder Folks Who Use Dating Apps Are So Often
    Negatively Surprised When All Feelings Sense Are Employed

    Of Life Moving Connecting Co-Creating Dancing Singing Free…

    Science Shows A Best
    Way to Increase
    And Awareness
    Is Truly Just to Exercise
    Moving Our Bodies to And Fro
    However There is So Much More to
    The Art of Body And Mind Soul Whole…

    All For Ours To Seek and Find Exploring Dear Chaymaa

    With of Course What Ever Brings Flow in Meditations too…

    True there is So Much More to This Potential And Improving
    Inspiring Motivating Life All Around Than Just What Cognitive
    Behavioral Word Therapy Used On its own Still From Literature


    Therapy Too We
    Are So Much More From
    Head to Toe Than Words and
    Tools We Make to Become And
    Present an Illusory Sense of Self..
    Hehe How Ironic ‘Hear’ i am Writing ALL This Online..

    Yet i LiVE iN the Forest i Am Gonna Escape online

    Next With SMiLes…

    It’s Only A Few
    Steps to the
    Back Door

    Opening it Up
    To Real Nature Heaven Now

    Just Breathing All of Greater ReaLiTY iN Free..:)

    1. Yes. You are right! The world’s changed and we are trying our best to adapt diligently!
      Thanks a lot for your comment! ?

  2. It’s really important to follow these steps when we feel demotivated! We should not forget! Thank you for the advice 🙂

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