SMiLes Dear Chaymaa When No One Wants to Sit With You Now At
Lunch You Can And Will Still Eat With SMiLes Solo Continuing Dreams
SMiLes Dear Chaymaa When No One Wants to Dance With You At the
School Dance or When You Are Much Older Hehe Yes You Can And Will
Still Dance Solo Like No One is Even Watching You Continuing Dreams
SMiLes Dear Chaymaa If No One SMiLes At You in This World
You May Still SMiLe
At Them Giving Free
With No Expect of Return
From Them Yes We May Continue
SMiLinG Solo Now Giving Sharing Yes
Caring Healing And True If No One Wants
Us to Visit THeiR Church We May Look Within
And Find the SMiLES AGAiN That Never End Yes
ALWaYS STaRTiNG NeW NoW WiTHIN To Give Share Yes
Care Heal Away to All For Free Just Never Ending mY FRiEnD
As i Often ReMeMBeR Stars Shine Above All Alone Yet They Are
STiLL ALLONE iN The Sense and Feel of ReaLiTY That When Stars
Die As Part of Super Nova Explosions What is Left of that Crucible
Fire of Star Death
Becomes Gaseous
Dust Resurrecting As That Iron From
That DusT YeS EVeNTuALLY BeCoMes uS And
Core of Our Mother Earth Yes FLoWinG NeW NoW
STiLL iN OuR Blood Streams So Indeed We aRe ALL
Iron Men and or Women ThiS Way Better Yet Truly We aRe
Star FLoWeRS And Seeds BotH As Long As Our SMiLes Shine..:)
You described loneliness in a very beautiful way. Yes, we can still smile and be happy despite anything. We are bound to die, and others will come to love then die too, so we will do whatever it takes to live well and beautifully until the end. 🙌🏻😊
Aww i needed that quote made my day 💙
I’m so happy to know that. Have a great week! 🌻😊
Thank you 🙏✨
SMiLes Dear Chaymaa When No One Wants to Sit With You Now At
Lunch You Can And Will Still Eat With SMiLes Solo Continuing Dreams
SMiLes Dear Chaymaa When No One Wants to Dance With You At the
School Dance or When You Are Much Older Hehe Yes You Can And Will
Still Dance Solo Like No One is Even Watching You Continuing Dreams
SMiLes Dear Chaymaa If No One SMiLes At You in This World
You May Still SMiLe
At Them Giving Free
With No Expect of Return
From Them Yes We May Continue
SMiLinG Solo Now Giving Sharing Yes
Caring Healing And True If No One Wants
Us to Visit THeiR Church We May Look Within
And Find the SMiLES AGAiN That Never End Yes
ALWaYS STaRTiNG NeW NoW WiTHIN To Give Share Yes
Care Heal Away to All For Free Just Never Ending mY FRiEnD
As i Often ReMeMBeR Stars Shine Above All Alone Yet They Are
STiLL ALLONE iN The Sense and Feel of ReaLiTY That When Stars
Die As Part of Super Nova Explosions What is Left of that Crucible
Fire of Star Death
Becomes Gaseous
Dust Resurrecting As That Iron From
That DusT YeS EVeNTuALLY BeCoMes uS And
Core of Our Mother Earth Yes FLoWinG NeW NoW
STiLL iN OuR Blood Streams So Indeed We aRe ALL
Iron Men and or Women ThiS Way Better Yet Truly We aRe
Star FLoWeRS And Seeds BotH As Long As Our SMiLes Shine..:)
You described loneliness in a very beautiful way. Yes, we can still smile and be happy despite anything. We are bound to die, and others will come to love then die too, so we will do whatever it takes to live well and beautifully until the end. 🙌🏻😊
Indeed FLoWeRS
And Seeds We
All Are To
Bring Life
To The
Dear Chaymaa☺️