50 Words Of Encouragement To Support Yourself

Be grateful

When it’s hard to smile, all you need is some words of encouragement to help you feel better. Life isn’t free of setbacks and challenges. Even at times of happiness, things happen, and you need a strong driving force to help you move on and bring back your lost happiness.

You are not the only one going through this in life. You will get hurt, lose some battles, and you may want to give up. And at times, you will choose not to go forward. However, it’s all temporary because nothing lasts forever. You will rise again.

Each day will bring along with the darkness, bright sunshine. Sometimes all we need is, to hear our inner voice and, to see our real selves with no surrounding pressures.

A little support to yourself with some help from the words you will read below, I hope you find comfort and inspiration. Let motivation move you one step forward toward your sunshine.

50 Words Of Encouragement To Inspire Yourself

1. Start today. start at this moment. Then tomorrow will become so much different.

2. This is what’s happening to you now. Who you are is how you react to it.

3. Life is tough. And, You are stronger.

4. Every moment you suffer, something’s born within you. You are just growing up, cheer up.


5. Be proud of how hard you’re trying to live better. You didn’t give up and this is making you a good fighter.

6. Today is your only chance for this day, don’t lose yourself in any distractions.

7. Things are hard for you at this time. I know you got through tougher battles and you won. Again, you can overcome this.

8. This moment will become a memory. Just smile and let this becomes your sweetest memory.

9. Within you, there is much power you cannot realize unless you are facing hardships. Unleash your power and go on.


10. Just like you can create, invent, and innovate, you can rebuild, repair, and reshape.

11. You are more capable than you tell yourself, never trust those destructive whispers.

12. You cannot do great things at once. Just small steps one step at a time will add up.

13. Once you achieve your first goal, you will forget the suffering and remember how hard you were working, and you will work even harder for the second goal.

14. If you don’t have peace within you, everything you see will be bothersome and you will miss so many beautiful things and maybe people.

15. If you are courageous enough, your life will be prosperous. Your feet will be taking you everywhere to chase new fresh dreams.


16. Once you make up your mind to be disciplined, you will see miracles.

17. Maybe they won’t care if you got tripped and fell, you might as well get up and rise even higher.

18. People will keep criticizing you for being incompetent, but once you achieve success, they will blame themselves for not being allies with you.

19. The most beautiful face in this life is a face wearing confidence and self-love. Make sure you are shining with your most beautiful confident and lovely smile.

20. Sometimes it’s not about being right or wrong, it’s about doing or not. Thus, just do it and risk being wrong rather than doing nothing at all.

21. Decisions are about making different mistakes, correcting them, and doing better and better while learning.

22. Move your life to the bright side of hope because the light will force you to see what the darkness is trying to hide. Then, you will always have a good vision of life.


Words of encouragement to inspire yourself

23. When your mind becomes full of negative thoughts, remind yourself that ninety percent of fears trapping you don’t happen. They are just false illusions you need to ignore.

24. When emotions pressure you, work harder and harder until you get lost in ambition and success.

25. Tomorrow may become the last day of your life. Everything may end at any time, so why all the stress and agony? Be content and happy.

26. Don’t suppress your feelings; get sad, cry aloud, and vent them all. After that, keep pushing and keep fighting. Resume your journey.

27. Have hope for what’s coming next. Be optimistic. Stay energetic. Be yourself because it’s the best version ever.

28. Every single moment, something changes. Therefore, never lose faith.


Words of encouragement to inspire yourself

29. There are good people everywhere. Don’t be upset because of the bad ones. You will surely meet some good people now and then.

30. Now is very precious. It won’t come back again. Seize this moment and be happy.

31. The older you get, the wiser you become. Each day in your life adds something new to you. You’re never too old to learn anything.

32. You’re not alone. We all struggle in different ways. That’s why You Will Never Be Alone.

33. Things happen and people make mistakes. Don’t judge. Focus on making your life better instead.

34. Learn to forgive and let go. Have peace of mind and be kind to YOU.


Words of encouragement to inspire yourself

35. Rather than feeling guilty and regretful, think of a better plan to turn those feelings into pride and victory.

36. Close your eyes now and bring back the happiest time of your life. Memories will make this sadness fade away.

37. Fall as many times as possible because with each fall there is a priceless lesson. When you get up, just be proud of yourself for not giving in.

38. You may be slower than the other. However, during this period of your life, you are doing your best. Life is not about speed, it’s about value.

39. Never belittle small efforts. It’s how success starts.

40. If you believe you can do it, nothing can stop you. Believe it enough!

41. They may not believe you now, but once you hit success, they will. Stay focused.

42. Be the kind one, the passionate one, and the most approachable one. You may be inspiring somebody else.


43. Don’t be heartbroken about someone who left you. You may not understand it now because it hurts, but their role in your life is over. And believe me, happiness will knock your life once more. Just be patient.

44. The sun will always rise again. There is no forever darkness.

45. Develop useful habits. Daily habits make your day, your time, and eventually your life.

46. If you don’t win, you don’t lose. You try, and you gain experience. It’s winning.

47. Never stop chasing your dreams because they are your hope and your future. Never give up!

48. Be proud of yourself. You are the number one fan and the closest person to your heart. You deserve your encouragement.

49. You can do it. Believe it. Achieve it. It’s your call!

50. Stay strong. Never say “Impossible”. Go for it. Keep it up!

Views: 7043

5 thoughts on “50 Words Of Encouragement To Support Yourself

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    Verily These Last Years of Pandemic Weather

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    All Great 50 Pieces of Advice

    For Staying Inspired

    And Self-Confident

    Within You Bring

    Greatest Gift

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    Indeed Always

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    1. Thank you so much for your comment! Yes, it’s been busy for me. Thanks for understanding!
      Glad you got inspired. I hope you’re safe and healthy there.

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